The Cal State LA College of Arts & Letters transforms lives and sustains thriving communities and cultures. We develop and amplify our students’ unique talents, diverse life experiences, and intellects through the study and practice of the Arts and Humanities so that they can tell meaningful stories, forge their professional pathways, and inspire their communities.

A Glance Into the College of Arts & Letters

A Glance Into the College of Arts & Letters

Dean's Welcome

Dean Trzaskoma speaking with David Olsen
Dean Trzaskoma speaking with David Olsen

Dean Stephen Trzaskoma

Welcome to the College of Arts & Letters at Cal State LA, an engaged, diverse, and creative community committed to nurturing the next generation of humanists and artists and to providing a distinctive liberal arts education to all students.

News & Highlights

Phung Huynh

Phung Huynh: SoCal's inextricable ties to donuts and the Cambodian refugees who made them

On LAist AirTalk, we learn about Ted Ngoy's legacy and the Cambodian donut shop that has made SoCal the donut capital of the world. Phung Huynh, artist and educator speaks on her Pink Donut Boxes series at Cal State Long Beach as part of their Against Monoculture exhibit.

Game Show

Cal State LA offering first-of-its-kind course all about game shows

Cal State LA is getting into the game show world in an educational new way.

"There has never been a class on game shows taught at any university anywhere in the world, so Cal State LA is the very first and I'm so proud, nervous, excited to be the first person to teach it," said new faculty member Stuart Krasnow.

Intern group photo on the balcony of the Department of TV, Film, & Media Studies building with Program Manager Maya Mackrandilal, Coordinator Jessica Delgadillo, and Dr. Weiss. (from left to right)

Exploring the Arts, Arts Internship Program Enriches Cal State LA

Exploring the Arts and the College of Arts and Letters at CSULA look forward to continuing this fruitful partnership in their shared goal of increasing access to the arts.

Faculty Spotlight

Outstanding Professor Award 2023 – 2024, Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky

Outstanding Professor Award 2023 – 2024, Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky

Chair and Professor in the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky speaks on her bicultural background, family impact on education, centering working class communities of color and students, as well as political activism and scholarship.

Event Calendar

There are no upcoming events.

Arts & Letters in Action

students laughing at 2023 Honors Convocation
students laughing at 2023 Honors Convocation
Contact Us:

Music Building Room 229 

5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032

Phone: (323) 343-4001
